Quick Start Tutorial
If you are new to AgileXRM, we invite you to follow this tutorial that will help you understand the basic elements that the tool offers to build Low-Code applications.
Let's get started!
This tutorial provides an overview of how to start designing Processes and Dialogs with AgileXRM.
In less than 1 hour, the series explains how to create a simple “Leave Request” app.
Complete the following steps in order:

Stage 0
Deploy and set up basic environment components.
Technical prerequisites include a Microsoft Power Platform® environment with Admin Rights, an AgileXRM environment linked to the Dataverse Environment, and Microsoft Visio®.
This stage involves:
Download, deploy, and set up a Solution
Create a team
Enable integration between AgileXRM and Dataverse
The result is a Leave Requests App with basic functionalities and an environment ready for further development.
Stage 1
AgileXRM Process
Create a basic approval process with AgileXRM
The goal is to build a Leave Request Approval process to manage request lifecycles, approvals, and notifications.
In this stage you will learn:
Create a Process Template, utilizing Stencils, adding Shapes, swim lanes, and styling.
Work with the Main Entity, Process Context, defining Activity Participants using teams or dynamic queries, configuring Task Activities with different Task Forms from Dataverse, and add Conditions to the process.
Use the set status shape, send emails, and utilize email templates.

Process Diagram to create in this stage

AgileDialog flow to create in this stage
Stage 2
Build an AgileDialog to create new Requests
This stage shows the design of an AgileDialog that captures the necessary information and guides the user through the steps to submit a well-formed request.
In this stage you will learn to:
Configure Form Settings, different Render modes and Disable Back button.
Use various types of Controls: Lookup, Info, Calendar, Combo, and Textbox.
Configure control settings such as Auto Next and Default Value.
Add Validation options like Required, Read-Only, and Calendar Minimum Value.
Set Data Source options with the XRM Query and Context window.
Use a Condition to route the Dialog flow path.
Create Entity to add a row to a Dataverse table.
Use the Process Viewer.